Wachter records 300 in the Elks League, BG bowling community mourns death of Glenn Overhulse


Late last week Bill Wammes announced the upcoming Al-Mar Tour Trials league will be sponsored by ASD I Remodeling Inc. That is through a generous donation by the proprietor Adam Dilsaver. His sponsorship is to the tune of $3,000 to the league’s prize fund.

Contact Wammes or any person at the counter at Al-Mar to get details on the Sunday league which will allow the bowlers to see what it is like to compete on challenging lane conditions using oil patterns used by the professional bowlers and other similar oil patterns.

The league will challenge bowlers as they compete for their share of the prize money which was boosted through the sponsorship.

The fall/winter bowling season is now in full swing and it didn’t take long for Gary Wachter to record the first 300 bowled in league competition on Al-Mar’s new synthetic lanes.

He achieved perfection on the second night of the Elks League on Tuesday night. He finished the evening with a 697 series. During that league’s first night Juan Ybanes had the high game of 276. Through two weeks, Matt Truman is leading the league with his 235 average after a 712 series the first week and 698 on Tuesday. Brent Norris recorded a 258 high game in his 739 series on Tuesday while Lucas Jenne also cracked the 700 mark with his 710.

Sam Wiley led the ladies of the Elks league with her 632 Tuesday night including a 222 high game. She opened with a 552 with a 215 high game and she leads with a 184 average. Mallory Fritz shot a 202, 602 and Yogi Wammes had a 225 game.

Mills Jewelry has the East division lead with a 45-9 record; while Bob Lee Insurance is atop the West division at 33-21.

In highlights from other leagues, Pancha Melendrez bowled a 219 and 610 in the Ladies Major League. Gail Wachter shot a 217 game in her 584 set and Angie Iliff shot 211 and Tricia Green had a 200 game.

Modern Woodman took the early lead in the league with a 7-0 record in Division 1; while Or’s Sunoco did the same in Division 2 for the first week.

ASD I Remodeling has a 7-0 record after the first week in the American Leagues’ East division; while Al Smith Chrysler and ASD Lawn & Snow Removal are both 7-0 to the lead the West division.

Brad Simon led the American League the first week with a 731 set with Kyle Waynick also breaking through the 700 barrier with his 265 for 710. Adam Dilsaver had the high game at 279, followed closely by Lucas Jenne with 278.

Kris Kolk had the high series in the first night of the Eagles League with his 692, and Ken North had the high game of 278. Ryan’s Steak House was the only team to go 7-0 the first week, and they lead the East division. Both Aardvark and Easy Street went 5-2 on the first night and tied atop the West division.

In the Randy Miller Doubles League Miller-Wolford has the early lead with an 18-2 record, followed closely by Mitchell-Otte at 17-3. Jeff Sayre led the league with his 4-game set of 857, followed by Kris Kolk at 845. Kolk had a 257 high game while Sayre shot 245.

In the Tuesday Coffee League both Teams 2 and 5 were perfect Tuesday at 5-0. Marie Feehan had the high 2-game series with 322. Phyllis Morelan had the high game of 169.

Final Frame

On behalf of the bowling community, we extend our sympathies to the Overhulse family on the death this week of Glenn Overhulse. He was a longtime dedicated bowler and a loyal team sponsor through his business, Or’s Sunoco in Haskins.