Pro Shop
Custom Fitting and Drilling by PBA Professionals Bill Wammes and Mickey Higham
Call for Appointment: (419) 352-4637
Has Your Bowling Ball Lost Its Flare?
Does It Seem That Your Bowling Ball Is Not Reacting The Way It Did When It Was New?
Would You Like To Improve Your Older Bowling Balls Performance?
It may be time to give your bowling ball a TUNE-UP!!
Al-Mar Lanes Pro Shop is Offering a Bowling Ball Tune-Up Special For Just $25.00.
Tune-Up Includes:
*New Finger Grips.
If You Want Your Older Bowling Ball To React Like New, Try This Tune-Up Special.
Al-Mar Lanes Pro Shop Also Has Many Shoe Specials.
Mickey Higham and Kyle Waynick will both be available on a limited basis for Pro Shop and lessons.
Kyle will be here Tuesday's from 11 AM - 3 PM and Wednesdays from 6 PM to 8 PM or by appointment. Kyle out of town 6/6-6/13 and 6/26-7/5
Mickey will be available by appointment only and also out of town from 6/26-7/5